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Dee Spears
Senior Pastor

Dee served for four years at Fairmont as executive pastor before becoming senior pastor in June 2012. Prior to coming to FPC, he served for ten years as pastor of FBC Iowa, La. Dee is married to Julie and they have four kids: Trace, Trent, Tristan, and princess Bella.

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Kelly Davis
Pastor of Worship & Administration

Kelly is passionate about leading worship and being a part of what God is doing in and through FPC. He leads all the creative and technology teams for FPC. Kelly and his wife Tonja have seven adult children between them. He loves golf, guitars, and Chicago pizza.

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Lynnsey Jackson
Kids Ministry Director

Lynnsey is a product of Fairmont Park Church and has attended since birth. Prior to becoming the Kids Director, she served as a small group leader for FP Kids. Lynnsey is also a full-time PE teacher for LPISD.

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Julie Spears
Pre-School Director

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Michael & Kristy Hanks
Student Ministry Directors

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