A rhinoceros can weigh 2,000 pounds, run 30 miles per hour, and see only 30 feet forward. A group of rhinos is called a CRASH. You know where a CRASH has been. We want to impact our community so that people know where God has been. We believe the cross is about more than our souls. Jesus died to redeem all of creation. This includes government, the economy, the family, religion and education. We are attempting to CRASH our community.
FP DIG is our way of helping people grow deeper in faith. Our Facebook page provides sermon follow up, devotionals, book suggestions, prayers, and other tools.
Loving La Porte
LOVING LA PORTE is a non-religious non-profit that allows a group of area churches to receive donations from generous businesses. The goal is to provide be a conduit of resources from industry to people in the community and support them as they navigate life. Learn more about LOVING LA PORTE by clicking HERE.
Monthly Worship Schedule
3rd Sundays: Communion
4th Sundays: Healing Service
5th Sundays: Collection for Benevolence Ministry
Offerings & Tithes
At FPC, we do not "pass the plate" during the worship service. Instead, we have collection boxes in the back where you can give anytime you are here or you can give online.
Church Membership and Investigation
FAIRMONT 101 is the best way to learn about Fairmont Park Church. This class, led by Pastor Dee about every 2 months, explains our vision, goals, structure, and culture. If you have been attending worship services and would like more information about us or would like to join the church, this meeting is for you. We will provide lunch and childcare for your family. FAIRMONT 101 lasts about one hour.